As technology and intensified communication bring us all closer together, making the world seem smaller in the process, our need as human beings to look out towards ever-broadening horizons becomes ever more integral to our evolution. As a result, music fans will always look to the mavericks, the outlaws, the eccentrics and those touched by the hand of sublime genius for sounds and sensations that transcend the everyday and the mundane. This, of course, is precisely where the inspirational cinematic battle metal brilliance of Finland’s TURISAS comes in. Carving their own unique and momentous furrow through the European metal ecosphere, these proud storytellers and masters of the bombastic epic are poised to return with their most monumental sonic saga to date…
Obliterating the competition and, once again, affirming their status as one of the most exciting and fearless metal bands on the planet, TURISAS look certain to claim 2011 as another addition to their treasure trove of glory years. “Stand Up And Fight” is a lavish banquet of melody, muscle and haughty defiance; the sound of giant hearts beating out a rhythm for freedom, brotherhood and a horizon that never ends. “There are too many bands pushing out release after release only to feed the market and stay in the headlines,” notes Nygard. “In reality, there are very few bands who are able to avoid repeating themselves. We’re not here to please an audience or to write music according to what they want to hear. We’re here to be one step ahead and give them something they didn’t know they wanted. We’ve taken big steps with releases in the past, and this time is no different. So as long as the curve is upwards and we can do exactly what we want, I’m happy!” Another step on the mighty Finns march towards world domination will be their upcoming North American tour with Cradle Of Filth, Nachtmystium and Daniel Lioneye as well as touring (mainly) Germany, Austria, Switzerland with Die Apokalyptischen Reiter. Keep your eyes peeled for more dates!
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